Sofasleeper, IA. New Iowa polls show Mitt Romney leading all candidates with Santorum trailing behind him. Ron Paul, carefully watching his step, is in second place.
However, the remarkable spurt in popularity of Santorum with Iowa voters has amazed pundits.
"I certainly didn't expect Santorum to be on everyone's lips here," said pollster Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight. "This is Iowa, for Pete's sake. Next thing you know, Dirty Sanchez will be Governor."
Silver credits the PAC, Tea Baggers for Santorum, for allowing Santorum to bubble to the surface.
"It's amazing. He simply oozes confidence. He started at the bottom, and just look at him now. He's out of the hole. We could actually find Santorum in the President's chair in the Oval Office."
Meanwhile, Iowa Republican and City Council hopeful Ima Buttplug has withdrawn her petition for a legal name-change.
"I thought it might be a hindrance," said Ms Buttplug, "but with Santorum so popular here, I figure I can slide right in."
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